Do you struggle with meeting expectations? Your OWN expectations? Welcome, friend!
Here’s the truth… There are too many expectations out there. And because we’re women and because we like to do it all and do everything we can, we and take on far too many of the expectations. We begin to pile more onto our mental lists than it can handle! This might play itself out differently in different seasons – it might be expectations at a job, in your marriage, with a side businesses, or with parenting. Often times, it may be expectations in all of these areas!
These expectations (that we often set for ourselves) tell us how things should look, we should look, our brands should look, our kids should look, our episodes should look, our posts should look, and so you get the point. It’s exhausting and overwhelming just to think about it. 😩
If you find yourself bumping up a wall, feeling stuck, and simply exhausted, ask whose expectations you are trying to meet? And for the high achievers, whose expectations are you trying to exceed? It’s exhausting to trying to make everything look and feel like everyone else tells you it should (or shows you on their social media feeds) rather than just being right where you are, doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing and at the pace you’re doing it. If you’re doing something, that can be ENOUGH!
Truth #1 – What a gift we that we have the privilege of receiving the knowledge that others willingly share! We’re all where we are today because of it.
Truth #2 – It can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and distract you from what you’re trying to accomplish.
Truth #3 – There are lots of tips & helpful ways, but don’t forget that the most freeing and least exhausting way, is doing things that speak to your soul at the pace that speaks to your soul.
Remember that there’s not ONE right way.
Take what’s helpful and let go of the rest. Draw the line on what you consume so you can continue to create…whatever that means for you. Whether it’s creating moments, memories, jobs, content, or anything else, do it the way that keeps you feeling alive and purposeful.
We don’t always have to set such high expectations for ourselves and then aim to exceed our own expectations. I 100% get it – I’m an oldest child and totally type A (and the introverted kind at that) who wrestles with my own mind a lot! But, I’m a work in progress here. And really, every once in a while, I’m learning that choosing to have no expectation can be greater than having too many of them. And too, that icing on the cake is far better than the disappointment that comes with unmet expectations.
So, take the pressure off today to show up for everyone else and be who everyone else wants you to be. May you find the grace to show up for you and know that however you’re able to show up in this season, it is enough.
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